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Sep 16, 2012-2012


Jal Satyagraha’ (Water Civil Disobedience) in Goghalgaon



Villagers of Goghalgaon village in MP


Madhya Pradesh government


It is the govt.’s responsobility to compensate and rehabilitate villagers whose houses and properties have been destroyed as a result of dam consruction.


Issue and Opposition: The Narmada River flows through Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, and Maharashtra, feeding thousands of acres and people. The Sardar Sarovar Dam built on the Narmada has been steeped in controversy for years. The usefulness of the dam cannot be overstated. The dam irrigates 17,920 km2 (6,920 sq mi) of land spread over 12 districts, 62 talukas, and 3,393 villages. Most of these areas are dry and receive scanty rain. These are primarily arid locations that suffer from chronic drought. Without the dam, these areas will remain largely unproductive agriculturally. Besides ensuring food security, the dam is instrumental in providing drinking water to approximately 10 thousand villages and nearly 200 urban centers in Gujarat and Rajasthan. Protecting the states from floods and generating hydroelectricity for commercial and household usage in the three states are other services of the Sardar Sarovar Dam. Although the Sardar Sarovar Dam is the largest dam on the Narmada, it is not the only one. Several small dams interconnect to provide water for irrigation and electricity. As the world’s second-largest concrete dam, the Sardar Sarovar Dam is the most prominent one of the lot. Despite the benefits of dams on the Narmada, there are various downsides as well. The dams have negative environmental impacts. The creation of the Narmada dams has internally displaced hundreds of villagers, many of whom are tribals. Compensation for their lost habitat and livelihood has been either inadequate or completely absent. There have been innumerable occasions when the sudden water release by the Sardar Sarovar Dam flooded the villages in its proximity leading to the loss of properties and income. Narmada Bachao Andolan (NBA) is an Indian social movement spearheaded by native tribals, farmers, environmentalists, and human rights activists. Medha Patkar is the founder and member of the NBA. NBA fights for the marginalized communities that are adversely affected by the dams on the Narmada, particularly the Sardar Sarovar Dam. NBA’s protests are against the central government. The action described here is one of the many tactics employed by the NBA activists to fight for the tribals and other marginal populations impacted by the dam construction over the Narmada. Much like the Sardar Sarovar Dam, the Omkareshwar Dam on the Narmada impacted several hereby villages in Madhya Pradesh (MP) leading to severe damage to properties and land. Led and inspired by the NBA, residents of 50 MP villages participated in a dilemma action demanding rehabilitation and compensation from the state and central governments.
Dilemma Action: On the demands of rehabilitation and compensation for flooded villages, the villagers of Goghalgaon, Madhya Pradesh, supported by the NBA, organized “Jal Satyagraha” fashioned after the Gandhian Satyagraha. Since the stand-in took place in water, the activists had to withstand fish bites and developed several skin conditions because of their constant exposure to water.
Outcome: The protesters emerged from the water only after the government made commitments regarding rehabilitating the affected villagers. Villagers who were negatively affected because of the opening of the floodgates of the Omkareshwar dam were paid out of a relief package of 212 crores in May 2013. Noting its effectiveness, Jal Satyagraha was replicated by villagers in other affected MP villages in the Khandwa, Dewas, and Harda districts where the opening of gates of the Indira Sagar Dam on the Narmande led to similar devastation in the nearby areas.


Accountability / Corruption





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(CONC) Concessions were made

(EREP) Dilemma action got replicated by other movements

(MC) Media Coverage

(MSYMP) Media coverage was sympathetic to the activists

(OR) Opponent response

(PS) Dilemma action built sympathy with the public

(PUN) Punishment favored the activists

(REFR) Dilemma action reframed the narrative of the opponent

(RF) Dilemma action reduced fear and/or apathy among the activists

(SA) Dilemma action appealed to a broad segment of the public


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Encouraged more participants to join the movement

Internally replicated by the same movement


Project documentation

Dilemma Actions Coding Guidebook

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CC BY 4.0 Deed, Attribution 4.0 International


Express Web Desk. 2017. “Jal Satyagraha to nude protest against AFSPA: Five extreme forms of agitations that shook everyone,” Indian Express. Retrieved July 23, 2023. (https://indianexpress.com/article/india/jal-satyagraha-to-nude-protest-against-afspa-five-extreme-forms-of-agitations-that-shook-everyone-4875947/).

AHRC humanrightsasia. 2013. “INDIA: Protest through submersion by villagers against unfair eviction at the Omkareshwar Dam,” YouTube. Retrieved July 23, 2023. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgS_QmWBlhc).

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